Sunday, April 1, 2007

River Saraswati : a myth or a reality

My View : It is very much a reality. The scientists have proven this fact. The flow of river Saraswati can be seen from space. The photographs taken from space have clear images of this ancient river. Hindus believed it from centuries as the details of river Saraswati are available in the ancient scripture. It has religious importance also. The famous pilgrim Prithudak (modern day Pehova which is near Kurukshetra, Haryana) is full of facts about this river

Relevant links :

Scientists prove existence of mythical Saraswati river

Recent Research on the Saraswati River

Saraswati – the ancient river lost in the desert

Vedic Saraswati

The Saraswati: Where lies the mystery

Times News Network articles

Frontline Article

Hindunet Article

Reference in Rigveda

Ramayana: only an Epic or a real story?

My View: I believe it to be a true story. The places mentioned in Ramayana and Ramcharitmanas eg. Ayodhya, Sri Lanka are real places and the journey of Rama from Ayodhya to Sri Lanka, as depicted, appears to be real. The remains of a bridge between India and Sri Lanka are a proof of this journey. A place near Amritsar, “Ramtirth”, is said to be where Ashram of Valmiki was and where Sita remained with Luv and Kush. There are a lot of such places associated with the Ramayana.

Relevant links:

A man or an avatar?

Rama's Equanimity: Myth & Reality

Fast Facts on the Ramayana

NASA Shuttle image of Palk Strait (Rama’s bridge)

Effect of Ramayana on Various Cultures and Civilisations

Mahabharta: only an Epic or a real story?

My View: It has now been proved that a fierce battle was fought near Kurukshetra. The places associated with Mahabharta are real place. Many stories associated with Lord Krishna are real ones.

Relevant links:

Kunti and the Birth of the Sun God’s Child

Research at site

The Scientific Dating of the Mahabharat War

Vivekananda on the Mahabharta

Mahabharat: A Myth or a Reality

Did Aryans migrate from outside?

My View: Aryan can not be from any land other than ‘Aryavrat’. In old times, they resided in plains south and south west of Himalyas. It is a myth that they pushed Dravidans southwards. In ancient times, Aryans and Dravidans had good relations and there is no proof of any conflict between them. On the contrary, they had common religious texts, idols, places of worship etc.

Relevant links:


Agarwal, Vishal: Is There Vedic Evidence for the Indo-Aryan Immigration to India?

Witzel, Michael: The Home of the Aryans

Who built Taj Mahal?

My View: I invite your views

Relevant links:

Taj Mahal history

Taj Mahal was a temple

The True Story of the Taj Mahal

Wazid Ali Shah: a wise king. Not a king of vice

My View: I don’t find any king more intelligent and art loving than king Wazid Ali Shah of Avadh (Lucknow). He revolutionized Kathak, Thumri. He was a scholar. British distorted his image for their selfish motives.

Relevant links:

THE TRUTH - Oudh - Annexation of a Kingdom

National Informatics Centre Lucknow

an article by Rajan Parikkar

"Awadh Under Wajid Ali Shah", Dr. G.D. Bhatnagar

"Wajid Ali Shah: The Tragic King", Ranbir Sinh